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These are so lovely, Shannon! What a window into the past. The artwork on some is really meticulous...makes me think of all those WPA artists looking for work. I hope you do go through with this book idea!


That's wonderful that you have them and the fact that your grandmother kept and treasured them. I think compiling a book is a great idea. Definitely a timesake book.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Those are so cute!! The clothes are the best. I shared them with my friends. My favorite is the one with the Girl at the Piano. Thanks for sharing them!

Shannon Latta

Okay, you've inspired me to follow through, finally, on the book idea. For a reason I can't remember, I took my red showbox of valentines to France a few years ago while we were living there. I've just asked Pierre to make sure he brings the box back from France next week so I can start sorting through them and begin a proposal for Chronicle Books in time for next year.

xox, Shannon

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